Bone Marrow Transplant

Bone Marrow Transplant in India
Presently, bone marrow transplant cost in India is a surgery that is in its golden phase. All credit goes to the advancement of Indian medical science, the use of modern technology, and efficient medical professionals. Moreover, CURECANVAS MEDICAL TOURISM can help you find the best overall treatment from the best medical team in India.
Bone marrow is perhaps a soft and spongy tissue in the bone, especially in the thighs and hip area producing blood cells. Bone marrow transplant or BMT is a medical procedure used to transplant either the damaged or destroyed bonemarrow with a strong and healthy one. The damages can occur due to several factors, including infection, diseases, and chemotherapy.

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Hence, this surgery is also known as a stem cell transplant. It involves adopting the cells in the bone marrow and providing them to the patient or any other person.
The bone marrow contains immature cells in the tissue. These cells are red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The red blood cells (RBCs) work to transmit oxygen and nutrients to the whole body. White blood cells (WBCs) provide immunity by fighting the infection. Platelets effectively form clots which further helps to prevent excessive bleeding.

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